About Us

Dear Friend,

Hi I’m James Rebel founder of WomenDatingBlackMen.com!

I’m a Black man as well as a dating and relationship coach living in Southern California. I consider myself a dating and relationship expert, especially when it comes to Women Dating Black Men. I’ve been the keynote speaker at several events discussing relationships, written many articles and publications on dating, and have counseled countless people on their dating and relationship issues.

Throughout my life I have had the privilege and pleasure of being intimately involved with and dating many women of every race, color, creed, religion, nationality and ethnicity.

Some of these relationships were very successful, and some were bitterly tragic! But ALL of them provided me with a valuable learning experience, and added immeasurably to my overall character and development!

In other words…

All of my previous relationships made me a better, more grounded person regardless of how they may have ended!

I’ve created this website to address the unique needs of the relationships of Women Dating Black Men. To help women who date Black men understand all of the innate intricacies involved, so that they won’t be so frustrated and confused. Also, to help Black men to look closely at themselves, so that all of their relationships won’t be so stressful and explosive.

“The survival of the Black man and his relationships is in crisis. He is dying a shameful unnatural death. He is rejected by his woman and detached from his own seed. Slavery fractured his birthright ego; so he fails as husband, father and son. His problems are too big now so he has no value for life. And no matter how hard he tries… he just can’t get it together. And without Divine intervention, he will continue to self-destruct!” – Author Unknown

Whether we want to admit it or not, as Black men we are solely responsible for any liabilities existing in our relationships. We have never really taken proper charge of our own lives, or the women who love and support us.

We have allowed ourselves to become overwhelmed, and the leadership in our relationships has been irresponsible. Therefore, the women who date black men have been caught up in our whirlwind of “Lack”. It’s the truth and you can take it or leave it. False pride and stubbornness have no place when you’re contending for self-preservation.

And I don’t make these statements to promote or endorse negative male bashing. My goal is to give some new perspectives to save everyone involved.

So hopefully all of the Women Dating Black Men, and the Black man himself… will go through this website and voluntarily place their nose to the grindstone. We have to commit to save our relationships at any cost.

I have faith that we can get it together… and instill more love, pride and respect in all of the Women Dating Black Men!

Peace and Love,

James T. Rebel

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